
Food Allergy/Intolerance in Southeast Asia

Traveling with allergies/intolerances, why not?

If you are subject to allergies/intolerances such as seafood, peanuts, gluten, lactose.. it is never easy to travel abroad.  If you have prepared for your trip well in advance, it will be easier to find places to accommodate your dietary needs and therefore taking the stress out of your travels.  Communication can be difficult in a foreign language, meaning we cannot always trust that we have been able to communicate what foods we are allergic too.

We have highlighted some tips that you may find useful while travelling to SE Asia and Vietnam:

Explaining your specific dietary needs on airlines: For example when you book your airline ticket with the airline company, you have the option to provide the airline with your dietary needs; this will ensure there are no unpleasant surprises. Additionally, you also have the option of taking food with you (if the airline and airport allows this).

Allergies/Intolerance List: You should always carry with you a list of your allergies/intolerances translated into the local language, as this can be very useful, in fact, you just need to show it at any restaurant or place where you wish to eat. It can also be very useful to practice speaking the words of your allergies/intolerances to make yourself understood to the restaurateur or food vendor.  Google translate can also be a useful tool, via your mobile.

Ask your doctor for advice: Despite all the precautions in the world, a mistake, misunderstanding or other event can occur and affect your health. It is recommended that you always have the medication recommendation by your doctor, which will help you in case of an allergic/intolerance reaction.

Applications that can help you: One of the benchmark applications for people with food allergies is Allergy Food Translator (FT). Whether you are traveling abroad, you will need to make sure that you eat foods that are compatible with your allergy. This app makes food choices easier, even when communication with restaurant staff can be difficult. While the eight major allergies ((milk, peanuts, wheat (gluten), eggs, nuts, fish, soy, and shellfish) are the most prevalent, there are actually 86 allergies. The application is easy to use when traveling since you do not need to access the internet. Allergy FT translations are integrated into the application so they are accessible. The application is not free. To use it, you will have to pay US $ 2.99 for those who use Android; you can use Allergy Andy - Translator.

Do not think about avoiding certain regions of the world because of your food allergies/intolerances. Whether you are at home or in any country, there will always be risks. It's about being careful, planning in advance, and having the right tools and the knowledge to feel safe and comfortable in a new environment. Today, with all the information that is available to us on the internet, it is so much easier to find restaurants that can meet your needs and allow you to eat peacefully.

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