
Thailand weather in June

Thailand weather in Jun

Though technically in the rainy season, the chance of rain decreases in the month of June, and you are likely to see blue sky between the short downpours. Temperatures remain warm, with average temperatures in the high 20s and low-30s (high 70s to mid-80s Fahrenheit).

The central region, including Bangkok, you can expect some drier days. The rains from May have brought the countryside back to life and you can expect lush jungles and green hills and full rivers. Chiang Mai and the North experiences a slight decrease in temperature but rain still falls almost every other day. The jungle here also comes alive again and the rivers start to fill. If you’re planning a trek, you will experience muddy conditions. The Mekong River in the East also starts to fill and the region sees cooler temperatures and rainfall about every two days.

For beachgoers, southeastern Thailand is still very rainy, especially in Koh Chang. But the east coast beaches, such as Koh Samui, are pleasant and you can get some sun. The southeast beaches of Phuket, however, experience rough seas, making the islands less accessible and some smaller islands shut down all together.







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