
What to Bring

Depending on the season and region you visit, you must be prepared for protection from the sun (sunscreen, hat, sunglasses), the coldness (gloves, hat and scarf), and the rain (a good umbrella, a light raincoat and some spare socks)

Protect yourself from the elements

Depending on the season and region you visit, you must be prepared for protection from:

  • The sun (sunscreen, hat, sunglasses)
  • The coldness (gloves, hat and scarf)
  • The rain (a good umbrella, a light raincoat and some spare socks)

A backpack and indispensable everyday bag

A small backpack is very convenient during your trips to take with you the essential daily stuffs:

  • Your photo and camera equipment and all their accessories (film or extra memory cards, batteries or charger)
  • Maps of the city (can be provided by your hotel)
  • Paper towels because Vietnamese toilets rarely provide
  • A little reading to expectations and trips
  • A small bottle of water that you buy locally

A travel toiletry bag

The hotel will provide you: towels, soap, shower gel and shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, disposable razor and shaving cream and hair dryers.

All you need is too bring your personal belongings such as:

  • Make-up remover
  • Electric razor
  • Moisturizer
  • Deodorant
  • Nail clipper


During Spring (from March – May) and Autumn (September – November), a simple jacket or pullover simply over light clothing. In the Summer between June and August, the weather is warm enough so you can bring light clad. In Winter (December to February), you will need a lined jacket or sweater thick enough in the Northern regions.

Physician Travel Pack

In case of ongoing medical treatment, make sure you have your usual treatments in sufficient quantities for the duration of your stay; we also recommend you bring records separately in order to have the scientific name of the active substance; if necessary, it will be easier for pharmacists to identify what you need.

If you carry with syringes and/or needles for medical reasons, consider asking your doctor about a medical certificate (in English). If you forget, the customs clearance can be tricky.

Eventually, plan to take with you an ordinance CDI (International Nonproprietary Name) which refers to molecules and allows it to be read by physicians of all countries.

For farsighted, few medications can be helpful:

  • A drug against nausea, vomitting and motion sickness
  • Aspirin or paracetamol in case of pain, fever
  • A product against mosquito bites and other itchy
  • An anti-diarrhea and moisturizing, in case of diarrhea
  • An antiseptic or disinfectant for cuts and superficial scratches
  • Some dressings for cuts, scratches, blister...
  • Cream to treat sunburns
  • Tablets for sterilizing water

However, if you do not want the hassle, you can find all these drugs in Vietnamese pharmacies.

Travel documents

Do not forget the basics: your passport, visa and airline tickets

Also remember to check the validity dates of your passport and your visa

A photocopy paper and/or computer (on an inbox for example) of you passport, your visa, your plane tickets you will facilitate administrative procedures in case of loss or theft.

Finally, find out from your bank about travel checks, the conditions of use of your credit card details abroad...

And do not worry; in case of forgetfulness, do not panic, there are on-site for cheap quality products.

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