

Tonkin Voyage Travel regularly sends personnel for site visits and conducts regular checks to make sure that our partners provide their very best.

Our criteria.

For tailor-made holiday/adventure, your entire package is designed around your personal requirements. Like you, we have high expectations and we expect the hotels affiliated with us are of a certain standard. Therefore, we take into close evaluation the meals, room setting, service standards and location that they provide to you.

Your comments and opinions are invaluable for us to review and directly evaluate our suppliers’ service quality. We appreciate constructive comments on through our website, forums and email [email protected]. If there are any issues during your trip, please let us or your guide know instantly. We will do our best to make amends within the hour.

Selecting tips:

With a plethora of accommodation opportunities in Southeast Asia, it’s hard to know how to select the right one for your propose and budget. So here are some tips:

Luxury hotels and resorts:If you are planning for a very special occasion (such as a honeymoon or special anniversary), five-star hotels and resorts are worth every penny. Despite the variety of accommodation options, the five-star branches provide unparalleled quality.

Three & four star hotels: Extremely affordable. There are hundreds of establishments who follow a strict standard. With our hotel affiliations, you are guaranteed to be served by the best of that bunch.

Budget hotelsTwo star rating. You might be surprised that these hotels offer an affordable price even for a budget traveller. However, the service and room conditions differ from region to region. For those who choose this option, do not expect too much in the way of space or amenities. The furniture is quite basic but very affordable. Nevertheless, Tonkin Voyage Travel keeps close observation on these hotels and requires them to update us of any changes.

Home-stayThere is no international star-standard for home-stay. It is “home standard” and local-oriented. Online forums and social networks are a great way of getting information on other peoples experiences. However, if you choose this type of accommodation, be open to the setting and exploring all the interesting things about local living.

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